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Hurley Phantom

One of the most powerful aspects of Dropcards' digital download cards is the ability for them to be anything that you want to be! Ever try to run a sweepstakes with a compact disc? Didn't think so.

In conjunction with our new friends at The Guilds, we built a custom Dropcard website to promote Hurley's new product, the Phantom boardshort. Distributed at stops on Hurley's touring Upgrade Your Boardshorts event, these download cards showed more than meets the eye.

Right at the event itself, recipients of the cards were able to take their card and login to mobile computers where, after submitting their information and watching a thirty second spot promoting the Phantom boardshorts, the user received a prize!

Prizes ranged from sticker packs to apparel with a grand prize, selected by Hurley from all registrants, of a free trip to Kandui Resort!

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